ICD is run entirely by volunteers. Help is always welcome!


Please send any general information and correspondence to:

click here to e-mail Kayti Harvey, ICD secretary.

The Secretary
Indoor Carriage Driving UK (ICD UK)
3 Duke Road
Hedge End
SO30 0PF

Event Entries    

click here to e-mail us about general event entry issues.

For local issues and information, please see the details for each area event on our events page and contact your local organiser.


Please click here to join (online or by downloading a form)

Or click here to e-mail us about membership issues.


Our safeguarding contact is Anne Chambers 07889 757939.

Or click here to e-mail us about safeguarding issues.

Web Site, Online entries, Scoring, Points League

We try hard to ensure that the content and links on our site meet both our and your expectations, but sometimes errors may occur such as broken links. If so please contact our Web Site Editor Mike Watts with details of what is wrong and we will fix it as soon as we can.

I also welcome positive suggestions and contributions (articles, pictures).

ICD Committee
