Sorry, no events points have been calculated yet for Sussex in 2024-25
How we calculate the points
Points are counted for each championships class as: 10 for winner, 8 for second, 6 for third, then 5,4,3,2,1,1,1....
Or 0 if you started the event but were eliminated or retired etc
We take your scores for all the events you've done in a region, up to a maximum of five - your five best scores.
Events whose scores didn't count for you will show in brackets.
Mistakes do happen with so many numbers - don't worry, just let us know please, email Mike on Please say what event/date,
and what you think your points and class should be.
The points are calculated automatically from the entered scores and classes.
This depends on the score data submitted ... please make sure your organiser knows your championship class and how to spell your name [same all season...].
To qualify for the championships you need to:
- compete in a championship class - not Club which is for getting started or new horses etc, and doesn't run at the finals, and
- win your championship class in your region, and
- get a best Percent score of at least 75% - the points tables shows your best for the season, and
- do at least 50% plus one of the events in your region.
Drivers are invited to the championships at the absolute discretion of ICD.
Please check the rules for more details.