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Thames Valley 5th Event 9th February 2025Martin Pink05-02-25  06:57 pm
Thames Valley 29th December 2024Martin Pink26-12-24  10:03 am
MERRIST WOOD START TIMES 24 NOVEMBER 2024Dick Lane21-11-24  06:50 pm
Thames Valley 3rd Event 24th November 2024Martin Pink20-11-24  06:39 pm
Thames Valley 2nd Event 3rd November 2024Martin Pink30-10-24  06:49 pm
Thames Valley 1st Event 6th October 2024Martin Pink02-10-24  06:55 pm
Thames Valley Training Day 22nd September 2024Martin Pink18-09-24  06:36 pm
Thames Valley Training Day 22ndSeptember 2024Martin Pink18-09-24  06:25 pm
MERRIST WOOD START TIMES 17 MARCH 2024Frances Collings15-03-24  09:41 am
Thames Valley 6th Event 10th March 2024Martin Pink06-03-24  04:49 pm
Start times Saddlesdane 3rd March 2024Jackie Durkin29-02-24  03:35 pm
MERRIST WOOD START TIMES 25 FEBRUARY 2024Dick Lane22-02-24  09:19 pm
Duckhurst Kent Qualifier start times Saturday17th FebruaryJackie Durkin14-02-24  04:01 pm
Thames Valley 5th Event 11th February 2024Martin Pink08-02-24  06:52 pm
Thames Valley 5th Event 11th February 2024Martin Pink07-02-24  06:50 pm
Saddlesdane start times 4/2/2024Jackie Durkin01-02-24  05:31 am
MERRIST WOOD START TIMES 21 JANUARY 2024Dick Lane18-01-24  09:24 am
East Anglia 'World Cup' fun event - Thursday, 28 DecemberFiona Powell27-12-23  01:09 pm
Thames Valley Xmas Event 29th December 2023 Martin Pink27-12-23  11:14 am
MERRIST WOOD START TIMES 17 DECEMBER 2023Dick Lane14-12-23  08:14 am
Saddlesdane kent qualifier 10th DecemberJackie Durkin07-12-23  05:38 pm
Duckhurst Kent Qualifier start timesJackie Durkin22-11-23  12:03 pm
MERRIST WOOD START TIMES 19 NOVEMBER 2023Dick Lane16-11-23  08:25 pm
Easton College Norfolk 5th NovJess Hine01-11-23  11:25 am
Start times & event information - East Anglia, Sunday, 29 OctobetFiona Powell24-10-23  09:49 pm
Thames Valley 2nd Event 29th October 2023 Martin Pink24-10-23  07:00 pm
Norfolk - Easton College event 8th Oct start timesJess Hine06-10-23  07:11 am
Thames Valley 1st Event 7th October 2023 Modified versionMartin Pink05-10-23  07:43 pm
Thames Valley 1st Event 7th October 2023Martin Pink04-10-23  06:50 pm
Event details - 1st October, Forest Edge - free to see!Fiona Powell28-09-23  07:58 am
Thames Valley Training Day 24th September 2023Martin Pink21-09-23  02:52 pm
TRAINING DAY -ANNA GRAYSTONHelen Bridges30-08-23  08:06 pm
Sussex summer seriesJason Fieldwick18-04-23  08:46 pm
Photographer at the British Indoor Carriage Driving ChampionshipsFiona Powell16-04-23  09:29 pm
British Indoor Carriage Driving Championships, 14-16 AprilFiona Powell08-04-23  06:53 pm
East Anglia, Beechwood - Sunday, 19th March - Event detailsFiona Powell18-03-23  04:24 pm
MERRIST WOOD START TIMES 19 MARCH 2023Frances Collings16-03-23  04:05 pm
Midlands start times, 12th marchSid Fairweather06-03-23  08:38 pm
STABLES - at Arena UKFiona Powell04-03-23  11:43 am
MUGS for sale - in support of the Championships!Fiona Powell03-03-23  07:48 pm
Saddlesdane start times 5/3/23Jackie Durkin02-03-23  04:07 pm
Easton College - Sun 5th MarJess Hine01-03-23  07:51 pm
Thames Valley BCA 5th March 2023 Martin Pink27-02-23  06:51 pm
FODDTG eventsJane Gillman25-02-23  06:01 pm
Forest Edge, Sunday, 26th February - start times & event detailsFiona Powell25-02-23  09:27 am
ICD Championships 2023 - Helpers Needed!Kayti Harvey18-02-23  09:38 pm
Wessex Start Times - Sparsholt 19th FebKayti Harvey16-02-23  09:07 pm
MERRIST WOOD START TIMES 19 FEBRUARY 2023Dick Lane16-02-23  11:43 am
DUCKHURST 18th February Times.Frances Collings15-02-23  03:02 pm
East Angia, Wix EC - Start times, Sunday, 12 FebruaryMike Watts12-02-23  06:37 pm
Midlands start times, 12th February Sid Fairweather08-02-23  06:22 pm
Thames Valley BCA 12th February 2023 Martin Pink08-02-23  06:17 pm
Easton College start times 5th FebJess Hine01-02-23  05:21 pm
Start times Saddlesdane 5th February 2023Jackie Durkin01-02-23  12:40 pm
Wix start times & event details - Sunday, 29th JanuaryFiona Powell28-01-23  02:28 pm
MERRIST WOOD START TIMES 22 JANUARY 2023Dick Lane19-01-23  10:38 am
DUCKHURST 14 January Times and Info.Frances Collings11-01-23  07:07 pm
Easton College - Sun 8th Jan start timesMike Watts08-01-23  04:35 pm
***Wix 22 January - date change to Sunday, 29 January***...Fiona Powell02-01-23  12:57 pm
Thames Valley BCA Dressage/start time December 30th 2022Martin Pink28-12-22  05:22 pm
The last Wix World Cup - Wednesday, 28 December, 2022Mike Watts28-12-22  04:57 pm
Training at Wix arena, CO11 2RU - Mike Daniell, open to all!Fiona Powell27-12-22  08:45 am
Thames Valley BCA December 30th 2022Martin Pink24-12-22  03:08 pm
Bedgebury cancelled December 18thFrances Collings16-12-22  04:24 pm
Sussex qualifier Bedgebury Jason Fieldwick14-12-22  08:35 pm
Kent - Saddlesdane - Start times 11 Dec 2022Mike Watts08-12-22  01:45 pm
Merrist Wood Start Times 10 December 2022Dick Lane08-12-22  08:35 am
Norfolk - Easton College 4th DecJackie Durkin07-12-22  05:38 pm
Thames Valley BCA November 28th 2021 Revised times Martin Pink24-11-22  10:05 am
Duckhurst 26 November TIMESFrances Collings23-11-22  09:05 pm
Thames Valley BCA Dressage Times November 27th 2022Martin Pink23-11-22  06:59 pm
East Anglia, Wix EC - Start times, Sunday, 20 NovemberFiona Powell19-11-22  06:04 pm
Merrist Wood Obstacles 20 November 2022Dick Lane17-11-22  07:55 pm
MERRIST WOOD START TIMES 20 NOVEMBER 2022Dick Lane17-11-22  07:46 pm
Norfolk, Easton College start times - 6 N0vJess Hine02-11-22  08:28 am
Plumpton 29th October Frances Collings27-10-22  09:05 am
Thames Valley BCA October 30th 2022 Start TimeMartin Pink26-10-22  06:44 pm
MERRIST WOOD START TIMES 23 OCTOBER 2022Frances Collings20-10-22  07:59 pm
Easton Photos Event to EventEvelyn Radnai13-10-22  03:22 pm
Thames Valley BCA October 16th 2022Martin Pink12-10-22  06:36 pm
Wix Photos Event to EventEvelyn Radnai10-10-22  11:53 pm
Wix start times and event details - Saturday, 8th OctoberFiona Powell06-10-22  11:04 am
Easton College start times, Oct 9thJess Hine05-10-22  03:39 pm
Training with Pippa BassettLiz Howe24-09-22  03:25 pm
Sussex summer series Jason Fieldwick20-09-22  09:37 pm
Thames Valley BCA Training Day 11th September 2022Martin Pink07-09-22  12:48 pm
OAKS INDOOR COMPETITIONLiz Howe05-09-22  01:01 pm
Notice of EGMICD Office23-08-22  10:59 am
Oaks Gateway CompetitionLiz Howe21-06-22  12:06 pm
Oaks Matchy Matchy Cones and ObstaclesLiz Howe08-06-22  05:04 pm
Sussex summer seriesJason Fieldwick14-05-22  05:53 pm
ICD CHampionships dedicated web pageMike Watts31-03-22  01:58 pm
STABLING AT THE FINALSFiona Powell28-03-22  08:09 pm
Passports, flu vaccinations & arriving at Arena UKFiona Powell28-03-22  01:16 pm
Stables & hookups at Arena UKFiona Powell25-03-22  11:01 am
Competence card for NNQ - open singles can apply! Indoor FinalsFiona Powell21-03-22  11:06 am
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