Event results

Here you will find the results of all events run by the club, submitted to us by the kind help of all the event secretaries

Season :

Totals for 2003-4 by Champs Class

Here are totals from the following events in 2003-4:

Show averages
Click any header to reorder.
RegionNum eventsStartersNovice PonyIntermediate PonyOpen PonyNovice HorseIntermediate HorseOpen HorseNovice JuniorIntermediate JuniorOpen JuniorClubPony TeamPony PairHorse PairSmall PonySmall Pony PairPony TandemHorse TandemHorse TeamVeteran
!National Finals 2003 2004100000000000000000000
Devon And Cornwall300000000000000000000
Devon and Cornwall100000000000000000000
East Anglia400000000000000000000
Midlands East500000000000000000000
Midlands West400000000000000000000
North East400000000000000000000
North West600000000000000000000
South East700000000000000000000
South West600000000000000000000